Tuesday, 18 August 2015

ROOM XV: More Persuasive Language!

More Persuasive Language!

Did you know nearly everyday lots of people are speaking Te Reo incorrectly?

FACT:Te Reo Maori is losing its tradition and language.

I think people should start learning Te Reo Maori. Because some Maori  and others cannot speak full Maori. For example Maori names are being pronounced incorrectly on purpose. That's why I think people should learn more Maori.

People should have an hour of learning Maori a day because Te Reo is the main culture in this country. Te Reo  Maori as a culture is fading away as well as tradition and ancient history and memory. Here’s an example, 4% of Maori know full an extreme amount of Maori. My Uncles and other parts of my family know full Te Reo. That’s why I think  people should have an hour of learning Maori a day.

I think people should learn more Maori. Because more than 4% should know full Te Reo. Also my reason is that some Maori people and other cultures are now not noticing this culture and language is the soul of NZ. For example how do you say a group of people in Maori [Iwi] and as I told you only around 4% know Te Reo so they would have not known what it was. They just don't know because they hardly put any effort in. So that's why I think people should learn more Maori.

I hope you agree with these are exciting and powerful reasons are why people need to learn Maori.

Thanks you for listening Hiriira!    

By Nivarah.

ROOM XV: Awesome!

Monday, 17 August 2015


Room XV have been writing speeches this term to convince others of their point of view.
Harishna’s speech tells certainly has a point of view.

Why Owners’ Must Take Control of Their Cats?

Would you like it if all birds were extinct? Well I’m sure you wouldn’t like it. Cats are almost everywhere in the world, hunting lovely,delicate birds. How will they survive?

Only the most sneaky and naughty pets get away with murder, by that I mean cats are killing amazing pet and beautiful,colourful birds. Cats are serial killers!

On Sunday 2nd of August my mum, my mum’s boarder, my brother and I went to a neighbourhood reserve. We wanted to collect some pine cones.Then we saw a dead pet parrot,all of us were in shock. After that scene, we continued picking pine cones. When we were about to go home we saw a dead duckling; that minute I knew a cat would have killed them.

Cats are murdering nearly all of our native birds. Cats are predators to all birds, because they hunt their prey stathly before they attack. There are less native birds in the country than ever before, did you know?It’s because cats are killing those, beautiful, delicate birds. If kiwis are extinct what’s the point of calling ourselves kiwis?

This is why I think that owners’ should take action and control their cats. New Zealand native birds are too beautiful to loose forever!

By Harishna, Rm XV

Room XV: Incredible!

Friday, 14 August 2015

ROOM XV: Run, Jump, Throw!

Run, Jump, Throw!

Ready, Set, Go!

The relay is on!

Room XV, along with their awesome instructor Eric, have been on a fantastic athletics journey this term.

Room XV have been learning how to run faster, jump further, and throw like a champion!
Roon XV enjoying new skills outdoors.
Room XV have taken this opportunity and run with it, ‘like a lion on a hunt.’
JoArnia in athletics actions!

Room XV: Choice!

Monday, 10 August 2015



This term in inquiry Room XV has been learning about human rights and how we should all be treated equally.

Tufele has written an impassioned speech about his thoughts and feeling on equality. I trust you will find it very persuasive.

 Should the world be equal?

I think that all people in the world should be treated as equals. How would you feel if you were arrested for no reason? It is because there are places where people are selfish and don't have empathy for other people. The world will feel like heaven if we treat people all the same; as we want to be treated.

The world was made for us to live in harmony. Because we know that the world is the only thing we can live in. If we do not treat each other equally then all of us in world will feel like we are done. We exist here; where else can you live if we don't treat people the same? That is why I think we should treat one another the same.

Another reason is people were and are ill-treated because of their race, skin and what they believe, which can include religion. Would you like to get along with each other? I would because there's nothing wrong with people's race, skin colour and beliefs. People being different should not matter.

Should people all be able to have an equal right to an opinion? Did you know that New Zealand is the first country in the whole entire world to let women have the right to vote? Everyone should be allowed to express their own ideas freely and be treated equally.

I think everyone should be treated fairly and there is nothing wrong with people's race, skin colour, ideas and religion, because there is nothing wrong being different. That is why I think we this world should be equal.

By Tufele

Room XV: Incredible!

Monday, 3 August 2015


This term Room XV is focusing on persuasive writing and putting it into speech form.

Harishna, wanting her reading group the Takehe to perform a play on ‘Fun Friday,’ wrote a persuasive piece of writing giving reasons why this should happen. She used her classroom learning to think about how she could putting her learning in action and use persuasive writing in a real world context.

Her writing was very persuasive, and yes, the Takehe did get to perform a fantastic play.

Room XV: Learning in Action

Wednesday, 22 July 2015


Room XV:
Fun Run

Chloe and Vai smiling all the way!
Room XV powered through an amazing fun run, showing that they had learnt that they must put into practice what they learn in the classroom. After learning about the need to exercise, eat right and be healthy, Room XV ran the 3.2km fun run, enjoying every minute.

At the finish line!

Room XV also helped raise thousands for the school’s planned ‘Fitness Trail.’ We can’t wait to see the results. 

Room XV - Runners in action!

Room XV: Amazing!

Thursday, 11 June 2015


Some students chose 'extreme fitness!'

On a fun Thursday SPS did an extreme ‘Try it Thursday’ to socialise with people in my group, even the teacher, and also to learn new skills.

First, Mr Cowlrick did the role, then Room XV lined up into two amazing, outstanding, super-straight lines. Next we walked in silence to the large school hall.

When we arrived at the hall Oriana Sensei and Whaea Emma called out our number, and the students had to line up with their terrific teacher who was hosting that sport. I was in number 13, which was the obstacle course. I had fun as if I was riding a cool roller-coaster.

'Extreme Fitness!'

Then we trotted to our spot of where the sport was going to be held. My sport was held at the lovely junior playgroud. Miss Orchard said that we could make our own obstacle course and we would be timed to see how fast we could complete the outstanding obstacle course. My time was one minute and nine seconds.

‘Try It Thursday’ was to learn about how to keep fit and healthy, and also to show how ‘Try It Thursday’ can be fun. The obstacle course was to show us that fitness can be fun and had a great time doing it.

By Chloe.

Room XV: Invincible!

Friday, 5 June 2015

Room XV: Report Gurus


Tufele, like all of Room XV has been working on his report writing skills. Here is Tufele's report on 'Big Cats,' a subject close to his heart.

Big cats are mostly found in Africa, nearly every single zoo has some pumas, cheetahs, lions, tigers or leopards.

Cheetahs are the fastest big cats in the whole world. They are faster than Usain Bolt. Cheetahs are found in Africa and they have spots all over them and have really smooth fur like a lion. Mother cheetahs grow cubs [ Cheetah Babies].Some mother cheetahs can grow cubs that will become older and they will become fathers or mothers and have their own cubs.

Lions are mostly found in Africa where they hunt animals. When they get old they hunt for their cubs. For example lions hide under long grass and when their prey gets so close to them they leap out and attack the weak spot to make the prey fall down. This is a lions feast.

Africa has some of the dangerous animals including big cats. Big cats are the wildest animals that hunt their prey.

By Tufele.

Room XV: Invincible!

Sunday, 24 May 2015

ROOM XV: The Sugar Report

The Sugar Report

Room XV is currently learning to write reports in our writing time; we are also learning to understand how sugar, in particular how too much sugar effects the body. 
Room XV is looking to become apart of the healthy food revolution and make our learning count!

Nivarah working hard on her laptop.

Here are some outtakes from Room XV’s amazing reports:

Sugar is a naturally grown food in Fiji and used all over the world. It’s also used in lots of food and drinks.

Sugar is in all kinds of food. Sugar is in fizzy drinks, lollies and sweet food but if you eat to much sugar you may end up having diseases, like diabetes, heart problems and lung problems when you get obese.

By Pritesh

Pritesh hard at work!

Sugar can cause toothaches. It is really, really bad for little kids under six, as well as those over six. It makes peoples teeth rotten and people will may have to have their teeth pulled out.

By Tupou

Too much sugar can be addictive, but it can also make your food sweeter and nicer. The sugar in many drinks gives people so much energy. That is good but if you set down your energy will go to waste. If you eat too much energy and this will infect your body and might make you obese.

By Bosco

Bosco working hard

Sugar is in most foods in the supermarket and there are only some foods that have no sugar inside them. You can only check to see the amount of sugar by reading the label on the side of food.

By Teaveli

Teaveli and JoArnia hard at work!
Room XV: Super!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


Room XV:

Armel in action on the monkey bars

On Thursday of Week 3 T Manawa did a strength and fitness test, as part of our inquiry. Firstly, Room XV lined up doing the amazing burpees. Half the class went first, and the second half followed.

Harishna swings into action!

Next we did squats. We had to slowly lower our bodies down pretending to sit on an invisible chair and stop and hold ourselves. It was hard.

Room XV alight the concrete with burpees

Then we did shuttle runs across the senior court. You have to do as many shuttle runs from end of one line, touching it with your hand and then run back again to the other line.

Tupou and Loma squatting

Finally we did the amazing and powerful monkey bars swing. We have to keep a record of how many rungs you can swing on (not missing any) before you drop.

David on the monkey bars.

It was incredible.

By David,

Room XV: Incredible

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Room XV:
Room XV in hockey-action!
This week Room XV has been learning how to play hockey. Our coach’s name is Lydia. She has been teaching Room XV how to play hockey for four incredible weeks.

Teavali & Meliame in a hockey face-off.

Firstly she taught us how to swipe tackle. It is not like a rugby tackle as you have to swipe the ball off the other team with your hockey stick. That is how you tackle in hockey.

Next she taught us how us how to pass. You whack the ball off to your partner to pass the ball. It was extremely exciting to learn to play a new sport.

I like playing hockey because we don’t get to play hockey very often. We've learnt some super skills and look forward to learning more.

By Felise

Room XV: Awesome!

Monday, 11 May 2015

ROOM XV - Blogging in action!


Tupou shows how blogs are written and created, with her marvellous, un-edited blog about ‘Art with Whaea Dagmar.’

Tupou's fantastic blog, part 1.

Tupou's fantastic blog, part 2.


Thursday, 7 May 2015


Room XV 

Whaea Barb and the camera observe awesomness.

The spotlight was on Te Manawa!

On Tuesday Room XV did our WW1 human timeline again. It was the same awesome one we did last term. All of us had to do it on the field and Tufele was the talker for our group. It was really fun for us all. Many people watched us, including Whaea Barb. We had to do it again because we were getting videoed for a cool movie.

By JoArnia

JoArnia's group performs for the camera!

Lest we forget.

ROOM XV: Incredible!

Friday, 1 May 2015


Room XV:

The Anzac spirit lives on in the youth of today!

On a lovely day Room XV made a fabulous wreath for own school Dawn Parade. Room XV had to design a wreath using poppy circles, and one that looked like a telephone box, as that was what we voted for. 

We also did many other things to help us understand Anzac day. The fun part was when we had to pretend to be in WW1 and write or draw our parents. I drew a really cool picture. It was cool after thank thanks to Tufele as he brought in some tea and we dipped our pictures into it. The tea made the picture look really old.

Harishna and our Anzac spirit.
Lastly, Room XV decided who should hold the lovely wreath. We voted for Tupou and Pilimi to represent Room XV. They were proud to represent and hold the awesome wreath in front of the school.

By Meliame

First on Friday at 9am all the class from Sylvia Park School went to the hall. We went for the dawn parade. We sang the song of New Zealand. Then Whaea Bard said welcome to many men. Then Pilimi and Tupou took the mobile to the hall.

By Mose


Thursday, 30 April 2015

ROOM XV TERM 2: Dawn Ceremony

Dawn Ceremony
ANZAC spirit alive in Room XV

"Shhh... can you hear that?" That is the silence of a dawn ceremony.

In the morning at nine o’clock at Sylvia Park School  we started our dawn ceremony because of what our men did in World War One. When the sun rose up that means we have to stay silent for 5 or 10 minutes just to remember them and to say ‘thank you’ for what they have done for our country. They had stood out to make us proud just like Henry Nicholas when he got the Victoria Cross for be bravery.

Then we had some speeches from our very own students and they talked about how it was like and how it felt like when you go to war. They also talked about how our men were when they were far from their mothers, families and their sons when they had to see their loved ones come and go. But mostly it was sad because their mother didn’t get to see them again then we put our wreath down. Some said, ‘Lest we forget,’ and then we sung our national anthem we were proud of ourselves.      

By Loma.

We got some flowers for the dawn parade. Then we sang a song with Whaea Bron. I cried a little bit but it was interesting.

By Kapriyani

Room XV: Incredible

Monday, 30 March 2015


Group 3 ready for action
On Monday the whole of Te Manawa did a fantastic practice of a human timeline. We performed in front of the Te Manawa teachers and some students from Room 17, and they were wearing special dark blue shirts to show they were a special audience. Later that day we performed for the junior school.

History in Action!

I was the narrator for my group and I was also the head leader. As the group leader I had to give everyone particular parts so we could work together to show in a freeze frame. Each group was showing a key event from 
World War 1.

August 4th 1914!

As the narrator I had to tell my audience five things about our freeze frame and what our freeze frame was about. I had to tell the audience the five most important things about it.


When I finished talking the teachers said that I did an awesome job and that I thought that I was in the ‘Awesome Cycle’. Everyone in my group did great.

By Chloe.

Freeze Framing conflict resolution!

Today, on the 30th of March, Te Manawa and Room XV made an awesome human timeline on the field. Group 3 did a freeze frame to show what happened on 12th October 1917. I was in Group 3. We went to the field to practice, and then we performed for the juniors. On Tuesday we will perform for the seniors. It was fabulous and exciting.

By Meliame

ROOM XV - Incredible!