Wednesday, 25 June 2014


ROOM 18:

Mr Cowlrick joins in the action!

A Blog About Rippa Rugby.

Have you ever played rippa rugby? Well I have with a cool and amazing couch.

When we just started training with Nick our couch, the first thing we did was a relay to get warmed up and then we learned to play was netball rippa. We got into two groups, red and blue. Now I will tell you the mysteries rules of netball rippa. First they play rock, paper, scissors, then they pass the ball to the first runner but this is the mysterious bit - you are not allowed to take one single step but you can do a forward pass to win the game and be named the ultimate champion team the end ‘Don, don, doooonnnn!’

By Sililo.

Phaydon has the ball and is looking to pass!

Blog about Ripper Rugby

Have you played on ripper-rugby on Wednesday with a cool coach?
We just started on Wednesday and we trained with a nice coach and we passed the ball and we caught it.  It was a good day.

By Manoa.
It's all go!

Have you ever played a game called ripper rugby? Well I have.

On Wednesday we went to play ripper rugby with our couch called Nick. It was cool. We ran around the court, it was great.

  By Usher

Have you ever played ripper rugby wildly?
Well I have.
Ripper rugby is really good because you can get really active instead of just sitting home being lazy at home.

By Sione

Izya 'belts up'
We played rugby on every Wednesday and it was great fun.
Last Wednesday we played rugby and I was in the blue team. First we had to warm-up by catching and running etc. Then we played proper ripper rugby. Kunal wanted to be in blue team but unfortunately he was in red team. We won the match. It was an great fun. I loved this game. The name of the game is ripper rugby. Thanks

     By Aryan
A ripper-relay!
ROOM 18: Awesome!

Saturday, 21 June 2014



Room 18 girls listen to Mrs Robinson

Singing With Mrs Robinson

Room 18 sings with Mr Robinson all the time.
One Friday Room 18 went singing with Mrs Robinson and sang two amazing songs called Johnny B Goode and Samoan Skies in front of the whole school of SPS. Mr Robinson came over and rocked the electric guitars so hard it was amazing and we all had so much fun.
By Norry

Add caption

Singing with Mrs Robinson

Do you have amazing teacher that treats you like you are part of a band? Well I do.

At assembly Mrs Robinson took Room 18 to sing on stage in front of the whole school. I felt like a million people were staring at me. We sang two songs and they were Samoan Skies and Johnny B Goode. Mr Robinson played like a rock star from the 80’s. When we finished it was so much fun lots of cheering and clapping I hope we could do it again.

By: Maranatha

Singing practice with Room 3

'Secret choir practice with Mrs Robinson.'

Do you sing in secret places sometimes?  Like in the shower… DA, DA, DA? Well I don’t, so don’t look at me.  I only sing in a choir with our one and only Mrs Robinson
in the hall and also with all of  Room 18. We like Lean On Me...  OH have I said too much, nah! Oh and also we sang with Room 3 and helped them sing their song ‘A little help from my friends’ in front of the whole school.  All of this was for their assembly.
By Jayde

Have you ever been with amazing Mrs Robinson to sing? Well I have and I can tell you one thing about her when she sings: every time she sings and plays with her guitar my glasses crack like a window... just joking! I don't have glasses. I mean every time she sings and plays with her guitar I just melt because it sounds amazing.

Am I saying too much? Well I don't think so because Mrs Robinson is brilliant, and by brilliant I mean outstanding because she has a magical voice and magical fingers. That’s why she’s outstanding and all of Room 18 loves her a lot, even me.

By Sela

Showing the lyrics, highlighting the rhythm!

Singing with Mrs.Robinson!

Have you ever been in a class where a teacher treats you like a choir?

On Friday, room 18 performed on the stage and sang two songs. They were ‘Johnny B. Goode’ and ‘Samoan Skies’. Room 18 was very shy but proud! We were all having fun and singing on top of our lungs! Mr. Robinson was rocking those electric guitar!!!

By: Micol

Room 18: Awesome

Sunday, 15 June 2014


ROOM 18:
Ryan's self-portrait

Have you ever had an awesome artist as a teacher? Last week we had to do awesome shpaes with Whaea Dagmar. It was cool.
By Izya.

Usher's self-portrait

Have you ever done art with an artist? Well, I have with Whaea Dagmar.
Last week we did art with Whaea Dagmar. We watched a few videos of Chuck Close, an American artist. We then began to do art like his, which included putting funny shapes on our faces. It was amazing.

By Kunal

Trent's self-portrait
Art with Whaea Dagmer !!!

Last week we had amazing art with Whaea Dagmer.

We had a spectacular day with Whaea Dagmer. We outlined our faces on paper and then traced our faces and then colored them in with two colors.

Once we had finished we outlined it with black and we just looked the same. It was AMAZING!!!

By Trent

Aryan's self-portrait


Last week we had art with the best and most amazing art teacher Whaea
Dagmar. She showed us a video of Chuck Close, an artist that can paint on BIG
cardboard paper.

We did awesome art work with Whaea Dagmar. Our art
work was inspired by the famous Chuck Close’s work.

I liked doing art with Whaea Dagmar. I wish we
could do art with her again.

By Phaydon

Leki's Self-portrait
Art with Whaea Dagmer!!
I like art with Whaea Dagmer because I want to get better at drawing and I like drawing better than reading and writing. I liked art better because we can do cultural patterns to represent my culture.

By Leki

Room 18: Art in Action

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


ROOM 18:
Alyssa & Geshvin shine on stage!

The Stage Performance 
by Geshvin

On 23rd May 2014 four students from Room 18 and some from Room 17 were on stage to present for assembly. It was the Year 6’s time to shine.

Max appears!

I was one of the main presenters, along with ALyssa. It was super scray presenting in front of 400 people. It was super scary presenting in front of 400 people. It was the most scariest time of my life.

The funniest and craziest part was when, for the Travelwise team, a pukeko named Max arrived (he was a man dressed in a bird suit). He tried to go up on the stage but he fell! All the Juniors laughed and so did some of the seniors. When he got up he scared me so hard because of his eyes. They were bigger than my face!

We sang songs about citizenship and the presenters even had to dance on stage, as well! It was super crazy but I would love to do it again.

Max chats to a couple of Year 6 presenters

At assembly this scary pukeko ran through the door and jumped on stage. It was so crazy. Then it jumped over the little kids and had the whole school laughing. But it was dangerous at the same time
By Darryn

I sat on stage in front of over 300 students. I was called by Whaea Barb to help to do ICT but of a sudden I just had to help out by sitting on stage.
By Giani

Max and the Year 6 presenters dance!

On Friday Year Six was up on stage as Year Eight were at camp for four days. It was so much fun becuase Year Eights were not at school and Year Six was in charge for one day!

By Ayla

Year Six Assembly

On Friday Year Six went up stage to shine because Year 8 had gone to camp.
Well it was so much fun and a great time. I wish it happened every week.
Max the Pukeko came to the assembly and he was so scary! He danced in a funny and a happy
way and we danced with him, too.
It was super fun.
Thank youThe Assembly was great
By Zafira