Friday, 28 March 2014

Room 18 2014: Making Their Mark On Stage!

ROOM 18 2014:
Making Their Mark
On Stage!
Gershvin interviews Zafira

Students reveal their marks to SPS

Room 18 represented the Middle School of SPS and of course themselves, as one third of the class stepped on stage at Fridays SPS assembly. The students of Room 18, led by their MC Gershvin, hit the stage and presented their mihi’s to a responsive audience!
Kunal, Jayde and Giani await the moment that they can talk about their mark

They then presented their ‘marks’ – a design that they have created to represent who they are and where they are from; not to mention where they are going. They each did so on a giant piece of paper, showing their marks to be simple and effective. Each student verbally explained their amazing symbols.
Giani explains her mark

Room 18 finally showed a video, featuring all of the class and let the school know how they learn in their ‘Inquiry.’

A great presentation to a great audience.

Room 18: Excellence in Action.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Room 18: Swimming for Water Confidence

ROOM 18 2014:

 Water Confidence
Room 18 learning through fun!

Room 18 has been hitting the pool the last few weeks, learning to be water confident and safe in the water.

Excellence in action!
The students have learnt to enjoy the water, begin to experiment with floating and being safe while having fun.

Relay racing!
Room 18 enjoyed the experience that their community pool has provided. It has been a great resource for Term 1 at SPS.

Room 18 looks forward to more fun in the water.

To be continued!

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Room 18: Asking Questions 365

What do we know, and how do we know it?

Room 18 let their audience know what they do to find out information in this short film, which could very well be award-winning.

The fantastic minds of Room 18 make sure that they always ask questions to find out information in their inquiry process. In this case they are looking to learn and understand more about the Treaty of Waitangi.

Enjoy the presentation.

Room 18 Inquiry: This is how we do it 2014 from Media @ Sylvia Park on Vimeo.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Room 18 2014: Games of Trust

Room 18: 2014
Games of Trust
Trent leads Sililo

The SPS Inquiry this term is all about understanding what makes a good partnership. 
To help see what makes a vital ingredient of partnership work, Room 18 students took part in a fantastic trust game. 
Usher makes it throw the unknown.
Students were blindfolded, then with a guide, were lead around a fantastic obstacle course which involved water-balloons and the need to crawl on along the ground.

The students who were blindfolded had to trust their guides and follow them. They learnt that this was going to be the only way that their partnership was going to work, the only way they were going to make it through the course.
Darryn senses the trust

Learning about what makes a promise and what forms a successful partnership: Room 18.