Monday, 27 May 2013

Room 18: Art with Whaea Dagmar

Art with Whaea Dagmar


Room 18, along with the Year 6 members of Room 14, have found learning in a whole new sphere – the wide world of art.

SPS art and technology teacher, noted artist Dagmar Dyck, has fused our Term 2 Inquiry topic, the water cycle, with the hard-hitting underwater reality of art!

Students have been creating their own 'underwater' work based a study of a visual text. They then create two drafts before embarking on the final project; to be completed in chalk, pastel and dye. Each finished image of an underwater creature is surrounded by a banner of exciting written language, which adds extra power to the visual language.

Visual Learning in Room 18: The Next Level.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Room 18: Being The Change -

Being The Change Makers!


Room 18 have seen their inquiry focus in action; seeing change happen on the travelwise coal face.


 In Term 1 the travelwise students of Room 18 studied and suggested possible changes to Longford Street to make the street a safer place for pedestrians. Their favourite choice was to increase the amount of footpath on the street. They wanted to replace a grassy bank with paved footpath to encourage children and residents alike to walk safely on the street.


This change is now taking place. Longford Street has a new footpath thanks to the Auckland Council and many other change-minded interested parties, including Room 18.

The Room 18 students visited the construction site and spoke with builders and marvelled at this new addition to Longford Street.